November 2, 2021

Bringing you a safe, fast & easy way to invest in crypto

We are very excited to announce that we have teamed up with Revix to bring you a safe, fast and easy way to invest in crypto. 

At Financial Junction Investments, we are constantly looking for ways to help you achieve and exceed your financial goals. Cryptocurrencies have been the best performing asset class of the past 10 years and we believe that with Revix’s unique selection of investment products, award-winning customer support team and behaviourally-driven rewards program we can help create an investment experience unlike any other.

Revix, founded in 2018, offers an easy-to-use platform that enables you to securely invest in individual cryptocurrencies, or own ready-made “crypto baskets” – called Bundles – that contain the top cryptocurrencies through a single investment.

Revix’s Bundles are like the S&P 500 for crypto so you can easily diversify your portfolio across the top crypto assets at a low cost in just a few clicks. Whether diversifying your portfolio or investing for the first time, we can help and guide you through the crypto landscape to enable you to take a step ahead by profiting from the next frontier of growth opportunities.

Together we are tearing down the traditional barriers of investing, so it becomes simple, accessible and secure.